Avenue 67 designs luxury handbags with expert Italian craftsmanship. These premium bags have an enduring, timeless style that will last a lifetime.
Our Picks Easy transactionAfter trying to purchase an expensive handbag from other shopping sites well known for foreign luxury goods and getting my transactions cancelled (for suspicious fraud), my Italist order went through smoothly and my item was delivered within two days! Prices are reasonable compared to those of the US.
Golden goose shoes orderI ordered golden goose sneakers and they were just as pictured online and came in so fast!!
Professional site with excellent serviceFast delivery, fair prices and excellent service. Have used italist two times and absolutely pleased everytime. Could wish for more bags in Bottega Veneta and even more “saldi”, but really can’t complain :-)
Loved it!I loved my shopping experience from the start and super happy with my purchase..
Excellent pre- customer service support!