Avenue 67 designs luxury handbags with expert Italian craftsmanship. These premium bags have an enduring, timeless style that will last a lifetime.
Our Picks A wonderful shopping experience!So many times I’ve seen items of interest on italist and I finally decided to purchase some amazing Prada boots that I’d never seen elsewhere. They shipped here in a flash and they are superb! I will definitely be back for more beautiful items.
Communication & service with ItalistCommunication & service with Italist was great as soon as I placed my order. I was kept up to date through the whole process which I appreciated since my shoes were being shipped overseas!
Me and Pink GUCCII love it! Me and Pink Gucci rock. Perfect size, a compliment from everyone who meets Pink Gucci. Thanks for the sale!
Always TopsPackaged beautifully. Always comes timely! Always a better price than what I can find locally. Thank you!