Borbonese crafts designer handbags, luggage, and accessories for men and women. Its expert Italian craftsmanship, high-quality materials, and elegant adornments are a stylish addition to any look.
Our Picks UnbelievableI am in complete shock! I ordered an item on Friday when stores in Italy were already closed. The item shipped on Monday and arrived Tuesday afternoon, the very next day. Unreal!
A very good serviceItalist made me very happy. I bought a bag of JW Anderson, from the new collection, it was in a very good price. The dilivery was very fast. And it's outentik. I am sure that I will keep buying from Italist in the future.
Excellent products and exceptional fast deliveryI really gives kudos to Italist for their vast range of top of the notch Italian wears. There is so much good stuff you can get in this place. I bought a Prada belt and sneakers here and I was amazed with the speed of delivery and quality of the products. If you love top Italian designers product, this is the right place to be. And wait, there’s more. Italist prices are so competitive that you always get a fair price for your purchase compared to Saks, Neiman Marcus, etc.
GreatSo impressed (and curious why) the prices are so low. Arrived quickly and in perfect condition. Will definitely be making more purchases