V°73 is an Italian luxury handbag label from designer Elisabetta Armellin. The chic women's collection features classic shapes in a range of colors, all expertly crafted with Italian style and high-quality leather and materials.
Our Picks Treat Yourself!I purchased a D&G back sack for day trips while traveling. This site has so much high-end variety, it was difficult to only buy one item!
Easy transactionAfter trying to purchase an expensive handbag from other shopping sites well known for foreign luxury goods and getting my transactions cancelled (for suspicious fraud), my Italist order went through smoothly and my item was delivered within two days! Prices are reasonable compared to those of the US.
Great experienceI was very pleased with the quick delivery. My Fendi wallet on chain came packaged nicely with all the tags.
Great product/great price/great serviceI love shopping at italist . The product range is extensive, high end and very reasonably priced . I always receive my new buys very quickly in the mail so an all round great experience:-)